Bail Naturals Keratin and Soya Shampoo


Bail Naturals Keratin and Soya Shampoo for Hair Fall and Re-Growth of All Hair Types. Made with love, and all-natural ingredients packed in a 200 ml bottle. Minimum chemical contact, for your hair only deserves the best.

Category : Hair
Brand : Bail naturals


Mankind was born out of nature, and so it is safe to say that what suits us the best is nature itself. The Bail naturals Keratin and Soya shampoo provide your hair with only the best known all-natural nutrients. This shampoo is the ideal solution for your hair since it prevents breakage, promotes regrowth, and reduces hair fall. A must for glossy and healthy hair, it contains all the essential nutrients that help stimulate the growth of new and stronger hair strands.


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